Spring Cleaning Spread - 'Out With the Old'

This very simple three card spread is great for pinpointing areas in our lives that are weighing us down and hindering our progress. All those stubborn old habits, toxic patterns we fall into and lingering old emotional baggage we carry around need to be identified and dealt with. Pretty much in the same manner we go about spring cleaning the house every year. Air it all out and out with the old!

This layout can be customized in the same versatile way that any regular three card spread can. Each card can stand on its own and individually show you one general area of concern. You can also assign each position a specific aspect of your life, such as love, work, finances, etc.., and let the cards guide you on which habits need to be thrown out. Each card can also represent a particular person in your life and the unhealthy patterns you've fallen into with them. 

An example of the layout using the iconic Delta Enduring Tarot
by Egan

The spread works with any type of deck. Readings will be just as clear and helpful whether you use a Tarot deck, Oracle cards or even Runes or divination dice. The important part is to sit down and really think about some of those routines we automatically follow and how unhealthy they may actually be. It's never too late to rearrange our mental space and give it a good ol' spring cleaning.

The same layout using the Green Witch Oracle Cards
by Cheralyn Darcey